Half Baked
Who’s with me?
Questions and thoughts about the world, not fully formed
Who will protect [us] from the cold?
My journey into the world of Web3 and cryptocurrency…wouldn’t it be awesome if we bent the arc of Web3 towards justice?
My ode to YouTube comments
A fun YouTube comment thread and the implications for social media platforms
Timeless wisdom from our President
George Washington’s prescient warnings of the political issues of today
The magic of scuba diving
The magical feelings of insignificance, weightlessness, and fear
It started with a period
The controversy around Zomato’s menstrual leave policy and how it ought to be resolved
The reluctant entrepreneur
How they serve as a window to the more profound side of starting and growing a business
The soft bigotry of low expectations
Why we should agree on the science but not necessarily on the government response
I know you’re wrong, but I can’t prove it
Why I can’t support the seductive arguments for effective altruism